Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Your only experience ever,

is this.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Warmth of Cold Tea.

It's been a while since I've been up this late, working on something I'm being paid to do. It feels good. It's a little scary how rusty my professional-grade photoshop knowledge has gone, but it's reassuring that with each day I'm picking up all those handy tips, tricks and shortcuts once again.

I want to make a short film inspired by baraka... I'll try and start this on Sunday.

Enjoy this moment.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Turn up the silence.

Baraka -the best movie I have ever seen. Please see this soon.

Friday, September 23, 2005


This is the topic I am most interested in at the moment and it's messing with me big time. I used to have a huge ego. I've realised lately that the ego is a false sense of self. Without my ego and relising so many of my actions manifested from my ego, there doesn't seem to be a lot left. Is your personality just your ego? Is this the only thing which sets us apart from other organisms? Without ego, there is no psycological pain whatsoever... but it seems to be a little uninteresting. Was my ego my only point of interest? When you strip it all down, would you swap the Pleasure/Pain Cycle for Joy? This is as far as my thinking has ever taken me. The human ego is going to cause the end of the world, but its just too boring for us to live wiithout. Myabe we're too scared to live without them.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by kanicman.
The key to happiness my friend, is living in the now. Please buy yourself Adam Freeland's Album 'Now and Them' and Eckhart Tolle's book 'The Power Of Now'. Adam's Album is a fantastic showcase of modern breakbeats with an underlying theme of living in the now. Eckhart's book will allow you to enjoy life a lot more by enlightening you to the dynamics of the mind and how and why you enjoy life, giving you the ability to do this constantly. Peace for now.

Nothing Lasts, But Nothing Lost.

Nothing Lasts, But Nothing Lost
Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Your life will suck more unless you forget your past and forget about the future. You can always deal with the now. Now is the only thing you will ever have to deal with. You will enjoy everything if now is all you think about. Please try and wrap you head around this -it will greatly improve your life and hopefully save the planet from time in time, because yes my friends, it doesn't exist outside our minds. Peace for now.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Er...this is er, no are a robot aren't ya?

Aren't Ya?
Originally uploaded by kanicman.
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Make Poverty History (MPH), hailed as one of the most effective lobbying campaigns ever with its simple message and signature white wrist band, was banned on Monday from television and radio advertising in Britain.

Advertising watchdog Ofcom said the goals of its campaign, including an array of stars clicking their fingers to ram home the message that a child dies of preventable poverty every three seconds, were political and therefore outlawed.

"We have reached the unavoidable conclusion that MPH is a body whose objects are 'wholly or mainly' political as defined under the Act. MPH is therefore prohibited from advertising on television or radio,"