Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy 23rd Birthday Oly

Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Thanks for being the mate you are. I wish you all the best of persistence for your 23rd year of consciousness. Celebrate this moment. Rocket on.

(Yes, the image is the first google result for 23 :D)


Give Me Some Frequencies.

Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Man what fun. O was down again from Melb and stayed for over a week. Possibly the best time to visit Adelaide as we had our famous Fringe Festival on. This included Womadelaide in the Botanic Park (picured before and after the event). I went with O and took a girl named Kirsty and showed her how to get down to the sounds of Talvin Singh..then again, she showed me, being the professional dancer and all :) O and I went again the following night as well and in the pouring rain we saw the famous Jimmy Cliff!
I also had my Aunties 50th Birthday last Saturday, for which I created a DVD presention with my Uncle Bob. The night went very smoothly and it seemed my Aunty Jen was very happy with the entire event (including my vid!) Afterwards I met O at Blackcats and saw DJ Friction which was surprisingly fantastic. I'm getting enough work to keep me afloat, but there were just so many distractions last week so I've barely had the time to draw or create music...time management has never been one of my strongest points but it's definitely improving!

So what's next?....settling down after the festivities, quoting and doing pre production on a music video, filming a commercial for my brother (Sorry Bill) drawing more...awaiting a fishing trip with my Bro and Father! long as you're having fun...everthing's a sine wave if you focus pull correctly. Love you.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Must Keep Reminding Myself Of This.

ßø: bones are so bloody complex, every surface curves and flows into another shape, total disregard for the artist who has to draw dem

˚∂: they're beautiful
˚∂: music, drawing, the garden, smiling, the sun
˚∂: one day
˚∂: but for now,
˚∂: there's knowledge to gain
˚∂: reference to frame
˚∂: embrace this moment :)

ßø: my teeth smell like poo
ßø: wish I never flossed, then I wouldn't know the smell of tooth poo
ßø: ahhh fuck, yes
ßø: embrace embrace!!! :D