Sunday, May 22, 2005

Searching for a Green Orb.

Searching for a Green Orb.
Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Well that's it folks. The event dubbed as 'The Last Hurtle Hurrah' has passed through time. Joe's party was quite a ride, packed to the brim of people searching for the truth or doing their best to forget about it. Truth to the matter is we over analyse and what is here is here and if we can smile, smell the roses, stimulate and make someone feel warm and fuzzy for moments in time, then you're doing your job. Once again, Joe, hope you've enjoyed all the celebration surrounding the beginning of your nineteenth year. Having been blessed with the opportunity to interact with you in life is something I will always be grateful for. Well done and keep being a good example of humanity. Peace.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Happy 19th Birthday Joe

Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Happy Birthday mate, I hope you enjoyed the dinner last night (and the drinks/merchandise from the promo girls at the cumby!). You're the brightest and most well adjusted young man I know, thanks for all the in depth and enjoyable convosations so far. Mad Respect Bruva.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Alpha and Omega.

At least I'll never smoke another cigarette. Even if I only last one more day from here, thats one more day I can inhale oxygen deeper, run faster, think quicker, smell better. If you still smoke, I plead with you to do the same because I want you to enjoy life a little more aswell. Its hard I know but you can do it and you know it. You rock.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Self tormet and Lovescapes.

The night before last I dreamt about an ex girlfriend. Waking to that is still painful because it was a very painful breakup, my world was torn apart for a brief moment in time. The dream was about seeing her and having a pleseant convosation, getting things off my chest too... when you wake up and are faced with reality it can be tough, its still a scab. Then last night I had a dream about a girl I don't think I know in reality, but essentailly she came to where I live and within what seemed like minutes the relationship blossomed into something incredibly beautiful and welcomed. Both were as vivid as each other and both impacted my state of mind a fair bit. Dreams can play on you a bit :) Its all gold brutha.

Hey Oly sorry for riding on your 'dream-post' coat tails, felt this had to be blogged :) People, read, olys rants are interesting and thought provoking :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Eyes are constantly watching me being chased by failure with a kitchen knife in right hand, repeating the stabbing motion. Im pretty fast these days, but its taking my strength to get through this current stretch of grey. Buy yourself Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor) latest release: With_Teeth: as usual their work provokes thought in a world that rarely does. More from me soon.