Thursday, May 05, 2005

Self tormet and Lovescapes.

The night before last I dreamt about an ex girlfriend. Waking to that is still painful because it was a very painful breakup, my world was torn apart for a brief moment in time. The dream was about seeing her and having a pleseant convosation, getting things off my chest too... when you wake up and are faced with reality it can be tough, its still a scab. Then last night I had a dream about a girl I don't think I know in reality, but essentailly she came to where I live and within what seemed like minutes the relationship blossomed into something incredibly beautiful and welcomed. Both were as vivid as each other and both impacted my state of mind a fair bit. Dreams can play on you a bit :) Its all gold brutha.

Hey Oly sorry for riding on your 'dream-post' coat tails, felt this had to be blogged :) People, read, olys rants are interesting and thought provoking :)


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