Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Rise and Shine.

Everyday is exactly the same.
There is no love here and there is no pain.

I feel you Trent.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by kanicman.
A sudden leap back on the horse occured on Saturday night: a Luci/Damien Challenge triggered a domino effect, with an eveninig ending in a similar place to the morning of 'Pete-Off'. Im trying to concentrate on the fact that I really just need to step my motivation up to achieve what I would like to. I am saving for a new camera, thats gonna help.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The killer awoke before dawn...

...all the children are insane... wa iting for th e summer rain. yeeaaaaaaah. the west is the best. the west is the best yeah yea a h andwe'll do the rest.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Oh Man..have you heard?

Thought I better report in. Haven't be out socialising for a few weeks and pretty much called a wrap of that Punk DVD I was editing. I saw some short Adelaide films at the Mercuy Cinema last friday night. The animations were great (I was there mainly to see one) and there was one film that was shot really well and had something Cohen Brothers about it, (I'm thinking The Big Lebowski) but overall I was unimpressed by the standard. The amount of hours and the scale of the teams working on these productions...just didnt add up...well, unless you factor in that the scripts werent very good. Hey, they did a great job and its great to see the local scene keeps rolling on, but I think it needs to step up a notch. I was really lost about a month ago but now things are starting to make sense again. The theme of late has unfortunately been money and its importance in the world. I just can't put the subject to rest. If you want me to exist in the western world It seems I must strive to make money and do good with it and pay my taxes which contribute to this society. I'm half ok with that, just stop killing people and/or being assholes, its crazy! Peace.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Alright :)

Hey I'm fine guys, just searching and rambling. It's been a good time so far this week with a very clear mind -I guess it's kinda like having windscreen wipers active during a slight drizzle of rain (it's always good to see the road ahead as clearly as you can :) Positive Progess, go and be your best human!


Don't say the 'M' Word, it doesnt even exist.

You can exchange this stuff for goods and services. To obtain it you need to offer goods and services. The world would be in a better condition if we cut out this 'middle man' stuff. Thanks for the conversation Oly.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I'll always smile and mean it before you do.

Frustration has become such a numbing feeling to me -to the point of not being that bothered by it any more. I am frustrated creatively, professionally, socially, sexually. I wonder what connections they have to each other. I haven't lost my faith in karma and logic -I've been in worse places for sure. Time seems to be going so damn quick. How much of life will find you and how much of life do you have to find?

Stopped drinking/drugs for a bit so I can think about these things with a bit more clarity. Working full time so I can save a handful of money and gain some contrast/perspective.

How much do you want it?