Since I last posted, I landed a job working full time as lead designer with Fat City. The company deals in digital media production -totally up my alley. So far it's been close to great. Good people + all the equipment I need ...the rest is up to me. I've had a lot of positive feedback from the work I've been doing which I'm very appreciative of, but outside of this my time management has been poor (hence the lack of posts).
I finally left my weekend job at Next Byte after 5 years to allow myself more time. Still, books I desperately want to read have been collecting dust, next to other intentions. I've been progressing with my music though. I simply need to allow myself more time to familiarise myself with tools.
There's so much I could talk about since I last posted, but I hate digging around in the past... basically all has been pretty well and things are totally heading in the right direction, thanks to hope and aspiration.
The past week has also been enjoyable, creating the Fat City site and spending always well spent time with O. OK.