Monday, October 31, 2005

Back In Orbit.

Nick and I
Originally uploaded by kanicman.
I had a party on Saturday celebrating the beginning of my 23rd year. I hadn't put as much preparation in this time round, but I had a surprisingly good turn out with a few blasts from the past. Nick and I (picture) have apparently been best mates since our second week of existence. It's always a pleasure to be in his company. Everyone seemed to have a ball so I enjoyed myself by watching everyone else enjoy themselves. You reflect the atmosphere you surround yourself with, so choose wisely.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by kanicman.
One of the opportunities I've ceased recently has been working as an assistant art director on a feature film. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it; 'assistant art director on a feature film' -it's not as glossy as it sounds, however it allows me to sit back like a fly on the wall and soak in the knowledge. I've mostly learnt about lightning which I'd like to incorperate into my next projects. Today the D.O.P (Director of Photography) was doing his thing from a crane we got for the day to shoot an outdoor scene. Cherio

Monday, October 17, 2005

Bird Flipping Satellites.

Had dinner with my Uncle and Aunty this evening. Great meal, convo and fantastic weather. My Uncle is possibly the most intelligent person I know and a very talented artist. He's helping me construct a light fitting/prop for a music video which I plan to be filming in a month or so. I really should be spending more of my time hanging around my uncle, because he has a similar point of view and I have much to learn from him. I feel so far in life I've walked a similar path to what he did earlier in his. I think I can benefit greatly from his hindsight.

Raised on MTV. Raised on you and me.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Tripod That Bleeds.

I have been working everyday this week on the set of a feature film as an assistant art director. Learning heaps. Almost silent in the background, absorbing, observing. It's been great but I can't wait till I have a little more free time to invest in some projects, especially now with the information and motivation I've gathered on set. Love, Light, Peace. R.I.P Spike Milligan.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Traffic Jam of Boats.

I have been surrounded my some great opportunities recently and have decided to jump at every opportunity I get. No more messing around for me. Trying to decypher the meaning of life, or simply how to save the planet with the alteration of the human conscious while trying to look after my own little world, make money, become an independant man. Is my own little world the only one that exists? If everyone was responsible for their actions in their own little world, then you'd think that would make the world a reasonable place the live in. But each and every human skimps a little here and there, and that amounts the the wealth of problems we all face in the world together. Possibly.