Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's Up For Grabs.

Hey you. Sailing in the right direction, but I lost my sunnies. Will get a new pair soon. I turned 24 on Saturday and had a few crazy characters around for a sort of 'celebration'. After being sober for a year (thanks) I feel people's expectations of my crazy-fuckr-look-at-him-strut personality have permanently lulled, which is a very good thing. I'm finally feeling comfortable in this skin, care little about what I couldn't care less about and enjoying the things I always did, unconditionally. Only in the last few months have I started to offer my creative services seriously and I'm already beginning to enjoy a part of the gun-for-hire industry I know I will grow to love and rely on: referrals. So far I've taken every job, regardless of pay, very seriously and in return clients are holding extra buckets under the udders. Looks like I'll be doing The People's Republic's next showreel too! (and further down the track the next one!...yeah I know, plan ahead don't they). Now I'm starting to understand the real meaning of 'earning a living'. Feed your chia pet...sparingly, water restrictions have been implemented. OH and yeah, Batman Year has begun. Peath.


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