Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bonus Melon Gum.

An abundance of well and fully! Completed DVD and print design work for The People's Republic of Animation and they were mighty chuffed (sick!). Met some really cool people through the job too! Pretty much finished (waiting for final approval) the lil myspace feature vid for Wolf and Cub which turned out half decent too. Now, time to chase some music vids and scantily clad women! Saw Mix Master Mike and Krafty Kuts last Friday night for my mate Aidan's 24th which was sick, but I stayed up all night, crashed on a friends couch cuddling a girl named Vic, woke up, went back to mine and watched some cartoons with her, then crashed out all day sunday...and wound up with a really messed up immune system, feeling sketchy as which I contribute to the lack of warm attire and er...the damiana concentrate I guzzled, but feeling all good now and excited about some work posibilities around the corner.....feed your chia pet.....and your chia pet will feed you. Peeas :P


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