Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by kanicman.
Latley I've been doing a lot of thinking about the past. Regrets? You Betcha.. but then again, how could I be here now with the wisdom of lessons learnt without regrets? You deal with each situation as best as you can when it arises because of exactly who you are.

One of my cats, 'Moggie' is on her last legs, being 20 years of age. Mum is having a very dificult time deciding when and if to put her down. I'm struggling to come to a conclusion aswell.

Whats with the world today, seriously? Sitting back and catching some of the late night news this evening, I have to wonder if I'm the only one watching? If not, why aren't things changing rapidly and dramatically? How is it even remotely accepted (by anyone) that Bush can use the bombings in London as a fresh excuse to stay nested in foreign lands? The more we hunt and use the word terrorism the stronger it will be, longer it will last. I've spent so much of my time being frustrated by the less than mediocre use of human intelligence, and still end up in the same place. I am so sick of hearing worlds like 'enemy' or 'terrorist' and other bullshit negative descriptions for human beings. If the media replaced these words with 'human' or 'person' then we'd all look pretty stupid hey...seriously, think about it.

I've been animating a little more and fairly pleased with the results. Also learnt a couple of new filming techniques which I'm messing with as much as possible. Above is a still from something I shot tonight. Peace be with you (and you and you).


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