Saturday, July 01, 2006

Pull Out Then Up.

Been a while folks.
I'll try to make this a more regular occurence again.
So much going on, which is what I'm always gonna need to 'keep this real'.

I just finished busting my ass to complete a lengthy in-house training DVD for a large retail chain and the results were commendable. Had my good friend June from Bristol in England stay with me for a week and it was an enjoyable time indeed. This reassured me that spending an extended period of time with me is not as intollerable as I thought. Oh yeah, oozing self confidence. She seemed to have a blast anyway. I've been catching up with Sinamin on a slow, steady and regular basis which is another high point in my corner at present. She's amazing. Just what the doctor ordered. Oh, and its her 22nd Birthday tomorrow!

My animation is STILL on hold which is pissing me off, but at least the creative juices are flowing and full of pulp. I've almost finished an updated deluxe version of my creative showreel which I'll send out to friends and clients next week. Currently I'm working on two complete rebrandings of a couple of friends companies...which so far has been very enjoyable. It's nice to flex my static visual comunication skills once in a while. Getting stuck into a couple of new tracks as well. I should consider getting a site up so you who are interested can see some of my work...what do ya reckon?

You are my temptation you are my temptation to do what I knew was wrong. I walk the line.
Keep Well. You're my inspiration.
Peas and Broccoli.


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