Saturday, August 20, 2005

3rd Wheel or Seperate Vehicle

I keep holding on and on and ON.
I have been completely destroyed and it will be an absolute miracle if I get through this.
The only thing thats getting me through this is the fact the theres still something evidently alive...
Dan (me) is such a beautiful creation.... I have such a great perception... I've tried to heighten that perception
and its helped and also hindered, but in the end I still exist and the fire in my belly is still there and the ability to create magnificent work is still there, I can feel it.... the last few years have been such a hard struggle, -I could never have imagined existence to be so tough
but I'm here in the now and there's small flashes of time were I can feel ok, and thats fine with me... you can take your fancy social lives, your fancy cars, your fly women... I'll be fine, here in the now existing, with, as it seems, such a fantastic creative mind (thank god, because thats all I seem to have to begin with) much love to the human beings who make my existence worth while (you know who you are!) and double respect to the gold womenswho have given me beautiful love (yeah you know who you are!) -but seriously, both categories and the merges of are what keep me going so thankyou!


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